When it comes to renting a property in Nigeria, having a tenancy agreement form is important for both landlords and tenants. This legal document outlines the terms and conditions of the rental agreement and helps to protect the rights of both parties. In this article, we will provide a sample of a tenancy agreement form in Nigeria and explain what information should be included.

Sample Tenancy Agreement Form

[Insert Landlord’s Name]

[Insert Tenant’s Name]

This tenancy agreement is made and entered into on [Insert Date], between [Insert Landlord`s Name] (hereafter referred to as “Landlord”) and [Insert Tenant`s Name] (hereafter referred to as “Tenant”).

Property Address: [Insert Property Address]

Rental Term: The rental term of this property shall begin on [Insert Start Date] and shall end on [Insert End Date] unless extended by mutual agreement.

Rent: The monthly rental fee for the property shall be [Insert Rent Amount] and shall be paid on the [Insert Due Date] of each month. The Tenant shall pay a security deposit of [Insert Security Deposit Amount] on or before the commencement of the tenancy.

Utilities: The Tenant is responsible for paying the cost of all utilities, including electricity, water, and gas, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Landlord.

Maintenance and Repairs: The Tenant shall keep the property in a clean and safe condition at all times and shall be responsible for any damages caused by the Tenant or their guests. The Landlord will be responsible for all repairs and maintenance resulting from normal wear and tear.

Pets: The Tenant shall not keep any pets on the property without the prior written consent of the Landlord.

Subletting and Assignment: The Tenant shall not sublet or assign the property to any other party without the prior written consent of the Landlord.

Termination: Either party may terminate this agreement by giving [Insert Notice Period] days` written notice to the other party.

Governing Law: This agreement shall be governed and interpreted by the laws of Nigeria.

Entire Agreement: This tenancy agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Landlord and the Tenant and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and agreements.



Landlord’s Name and Signature


Tenant’s Name and Signature

What to Include in a Tenancy Agreement Form

A tenancy agreement form should include the following information:

– Names and addresses of the Landlord and Tenant

– Property address

– Rental term and start date

– Rent amount and due date

– Security deposit amount

– Utilities responsibility

– Maintenance and repair responsibilities

– Pet policy

– Subletting and assignment policy

– Termination policy

– Governing law

– Signatures of both parties


In conclusion, a tenancy agreement form is an essential legal document for renting a property in Nigeria. It outlines the terms and conditions of the rental agreement and protects the rights of both the landlord and the tenant. As a professional, it is important to ensure that the article on “sample of tenancy agreement form in Nigeria” is informative and well-written to ensure that it ranks high in search engine results and provides value to readers.