The Public Sector General Agreement in Western Australia: What You Need to Know

The Public Sector General Agreement (PSGA) is an important agreement between the Western Australian Government and public servants employed in various sectors, including health, education, and public administration. It governs work conditions, salaries, and benefits for thousands of workers across the state.

If you are a public servant or interested in the workings of the Western Australian public sector, this article will guide you through the key features of the PSGA and its impact on the workforce.

Background of the PSGA

The PSGA is negotiated every three years through the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) between the state government and various public sector unions. The agreement covers around 130,000 full-time, part-time and casual employees across the state.

The most recent agreement, the Public Sector General Agreement 2019 (PSGA 2019), was approved by the WAIRC on 13 November 2019 and came into effect on 4 December 2019. It will remain in place until 3 December 2022.

What does the PSGA cover?

The PSGA covers a range of work conditions and benefits, including:

– Wages and salaries: The agreement provides for a 2% increase in salaries per year for three years, with some variations for specific professions.

– Leave entitlements: The PSGA provides for various leave entitlements, including annual leave, sick leave, carers` leave and family and domestic violence leave.

– Flexible working arrangements: The agreement allows for flexible working arrangements, such as part-time work, job-sharing and telecommuting, subject to operational requirements.

– Health and safety: The PSGA provides for measures to improve workplace safety and health, including mental health and wellbeing programs.

– Job security: The agreement includes protections against redundancy and job losses for public servants.

How does the PSGA affect public servants?

The PSGA has a significant impact on the lives of thousands of public servants across Western Australia. The increase in salaries and benefits provides long-term financial security and improves the standard of living for many employees.

The agreement`s provisions for flexible work arrangements allow for greater work-life balance and may also help attract and retain skilled workers in the public sector. The increased emphasis on workplace health and safety is also a positive development, and the job security provisions provide employees with greater certainty and stability in their roles.


The Public Sector General Agreement in Western Australia is an essential document that governs the work conditions, salaries, and benefits of public servants across the state. The agreement provides for a range of benefits, including salary increases, leave entitlements, flexible work arrangements, and workplace health and safety measures.

The PSGA ensures long-term financial security for public servants and helps to attract and retain skilled workers in the public sector. It is a crucial document that reflects the government`s commitment to providing a high standard of working conditions for the public sector workforce.